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METRC™ Training

Finally!!! METRC™ Training that Works!!!


It Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult

The definitive METRC™ training program from

METRC™ can be your best friend
Or your worst enemy.

  • Using it can be a routine part of your operation, or a black hole that sucks time, attention and resources and keeps you from building your business.
  • It can demonstrate your compliance and show that you’re a good actor, or it can lead to big trouble with State regulators.

And the difference comes down to one thing: training. Is your staff on top of METRC? Or is METRC on top of you?

Visit Indica Consulting for more information or to register for the next class.

METRC is a very good seed-to-sale system…
if you know how to use it correctly.

You’re required to use it, and your METRC records have to be complete and accurate. But too often the people who operate METRC for you weren’t well trained to begin with. They may be conscientious, but they learned it by trial and error, or by watching someone (who also wasn’t well trained), or by watching a webinar. They may be doing most things correctly, but chances are they are doing many things incorrectly.

And what happens when you have turnover or expand and have to teach new people to use METRC? The death spiral continues. They will be using trial and error, bad habits they learn from others and a few webinars with limited educational value.


But you don’t have to be. Now there’s a comprehensive, in-depth training program for METRC users from the leader in education for industry, the Cannabis Industry Institute.

It combines face-to-face METRC instruction with cutting-edge online learning to provide a full resource to train current and future employees on the use of METRC. It features operation-specific information for Cultivators, Infused Products Manufacturers, Dispensaries and Adult-Use Stores. It incorporates expert instruction with practice and testing to ensure that your team is proficient, efficient and confident using it.

Who should enroll:

  • All license holders
  • METRC administrators
  • Dispensary and retail store managers and assistant managers
  • Supervisors and leads
  • Dispensary budtenders
  • Inventory specialists
  • Cultivation technicians
  • Infused products manufacturing personnel
  • Anyone who needs to view information in METRC
  • Anyone who needs to enter data into METRC

How it works:

These engaging online courses are NOT generic webinars where your employees passively listen and watch someone click around the screen. These are interactive learning experiences conducted live online in a virtual classroom setting with a Metrc expert teaching, answering questions, leading class activities and addressing the specific needs and interests of the students. Learners are taught, must complete exercises to ensure the can perform the work, and pass exams. They are given real-life scenarios and must solve problems and input data correctly.

Students must demonstrate competence in order to graduate from the course. Then they receive a professional Certificate of Completion that demonstrates their knowledge and skills with METRC.

Visit Indica Consulting for more information or to register for the next class.

The It Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult training program is owned and operated by Indica Consulting. It is not affiliated with Metrc™ or Franwell, Inc.

Metrc™ is a trademark of Franwell, Inc.

© 2019 CAN Performance Group, LLC. All rights reserved.