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Knowing Your Water Rights Can Keep ...

13th December 2016

Water rights have lately become a major issue in the cannabis industry. It will continue to be an important factor as more states go from medical-only to full legalization, more cultivators join the... Read More

How Can You Tell If Your Water is C...

3rd August 2016

Clean water. The U.S. population spends nearly $12 billion every year on bottled water. Brita, probably the most famous water filter manufacturer, is currently worth $350 million. Americans love... Read More

Using a Reverse Osmosis Filtration ...

12th July 2016

The terms “hard water” and “soft water” describe the amount of salt and alkalinity in the water supply. If there’s a buildup of potentially harmful salts or other contaminants, the plants... Read More

How to Reduce Your Water Bill

7th June 2016

Plants need three things to flourish: light, nutrients and water. Professional growers know that cannabis plants require lots of water. Water can quickly become a major expense item, and wasted water... Read More

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